Sunday, September 18, 2011


Today is my busy day at home. I sleep in, have breakfast and coffee, then get to work! I have 3 loads of laundry and I clean my apartment thoroughly (most of the time). I also like to constitute Sunday as my long run day. Since I sleep in I don't have a chance to run outside before it gets unbearably hot, so I usually go to the gym and just knock it out on the treadmill, but last week I did an afternoon run at the park and realized I'm a little too out of shape to be running a half marathon in just 6 weeks! Yikes! So, today I plan to do my long run outside, on the hills, and in the heat. However, I would like to wait until it cools off later this evening. It's just really hard to go through the day with that long run hanging over my head; especially when I know I could just go run it out on the treadmill...that'd be easier, too! Oh well, I have to do this for my benefit, so I don't just fall out and die in Savannah. I'm hoping that running in Florida's heat will make Savannah in November easier (assuming Savannah will be cool by then). 

This week the boyfriend makes the big move to Orlando! :) I'm very excited, but I know that it will probably throw off my running schedule since we'll be trying to get everything organized and situated. Hopefully, I can still get most of the runs in, but we'll see. 

I hope everyone has a great week! 

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